CLs limit with MC toys

Open the ROOT file

In [1]:
TFile* f = TFile::Open("model.root") ;

RooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby
                Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University
                All rights reserved, please read

Retrieve the workspace

In [2]:
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) f->Get("w") ;
w->Print() ;

RooWorkspace(w) w contents


RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00144134
RooPoisson::model_CR[ x=Nobs_CR mean=Nexp_CR ] = 0.0281977
RooPoisson::model_SR[ x=Nobs_SR mean=Nexp_SR ] = 0.0511153

RooFormulaVar::Nexp_CR[ actualVars=(tau,B) formula="tau*B" ] = 200
RooFormulaVar::Nexp_SR[ actualVars=(mu,S,B) formula="mu*S+B" ] = 30


parameter snapshots
ModelConfig__snapshot = (mu=1)

named sets

generic objects

Retrieve the ModelConfig for the S+B hypothesis

Retrieve the ModelConfig and the observed data. Together these uniquely define the statistical problem

In [3]:
RooAbsData* data = w->data("observed_data") ;
RooStats::ModelConfig* sbModel = (RooStats::ModelConfig*) w->obj("ModelConfig") ;

Construct a ModelConfig for the B-only hypothesis

For a CLS-style limit calculation (hypothesis test inversion) we need an explicit specification of the background-only hypothesis == another RooStats::ModelConfig that describe the B-only scenario

In [4]:
RooStats::ModelConfig* bModel = (RooStats::ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone("BonlyModel") ;

Here we take a little shortcut from universality by assuming that the POI=0 scenario corresponds to the background-only scenario

Set value POI parameter to zero

In [5]:
RooRealVar* poi = (RooRealVar*) bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
poi->setVal(0) ;

Configure bModel to encode current poi=0 scenario as its hypothesis

In [6]:
bModel->SetSnapshot( *poi  );

NB: To make CLS-style hypothesis calculation macros truly universal workspace files should contain both ModelConfigs upfront

Construct an hypothesis p-value calculator

i.e the calculation of p(sbModel) and p(bModel) for the observed data

Instantiate hypothesis testing calculator assuming asymptotic distributions of the profile likelihood ratio (PLR) test statistic. This calculator is much more time consuming than the asymptotic calculator but is also valid in the low statistics regime.

In [7]:
RooStats::FrequentistCalculator  freqCalc(*data, *bModel, *sbModel);

The frequentist calculator is more general than the asymptotic calculator: it can calculate distributions for any test statistic. So here we have to tell it that we want the profile likelihood ratio test statistic

In [8]:
RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* plr = new RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat(*sbModel->GetPdf());

Configure calculator for a limit (=one-sided interval)

In [9]:

Specifically we have to tell the Toy MC sampler part of the calculator what the relevant test statistic is

In [10]:
RooStats::ToyMCSampler* toymcs = (RooStats::ToyMCSampler*) freqCalc.GetTestStatSampler();

If we use the frequentist calculator for counting experiments (instead of models of distributions) we should instruct the sampler to generate one event for each toy. ( This is the case because we model counting experiments in RooFit as a single observation in distribution of event counts. )

In [11]:
if (!sbModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()) {

Sample 1000 toys for SB and B hypothesis respectively to model their distributions (Here you can trade speed vs accuracy)

In [12]:
freqCalc.SetToys(1000,1000) ;

Construct an hypothesis test inverter

i.e. a tool that can calculate the POI value for which (in this case) CLS==\(p(\mathrm{sbModel})/(1-p(\mathrm{Model}))\) takes a certain value. This inversion requires a scan over possible values of \(\mu\).

In [13]:
RooStats::HypoTestInverter inverter(freqCalc);
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- HypoTestInverter ---- Input models:
                 using as S+B (null) model     : ModelConfig
                 using as B (alternate) model  : BonlyModel

Statistical configuration of hypothesis test inverter

In [14]:

Technical configuration of hypothesis test inverter

In [15]:
inverter.SetFixedScan(30,0.0,6.0); // set number of points , xmin and xmax

Perform calculation of limit

In [16]:
RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult* result =  inverter.GetInterval();
[#1] INFO:Eval -- HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - run a fixed scan
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00125727
  1) 0x7f8391561690 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00125727
  1) 0x7f8391561690 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00186075
  1) 0x7f8391442ea0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0.206897  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00186075
  1) 0x7f8391442ea0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00220851
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0.413793  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00220851
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00217996
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0.62069  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00217996
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0.0262556
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00184041
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0.827586  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00184041
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0.184997
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00135861
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 1.03448  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.00135861
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0.471936
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000892654
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 1.24138  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000892654
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0.871855
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000529598
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 1.44828  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000529598
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 1.37183
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000287113
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 1.65517  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000287113
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 1.96102
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000143654
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 1.86207  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 0.000143654
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 2.63018
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.68923e-05
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 2.06897  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.68923e-05
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 3.37135
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.91963e-05
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 2.27586  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.91963e-05
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 4.17768
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.20179e-05
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 2.48276  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.20179e-05
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 5.04325
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 4.69005e-06
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 2.68966  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 4.69005e-06
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 5.96288
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.7433e-06
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 2.89655  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.7433e-06
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 6.93201
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.19679e-07
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 3.10345  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.19679e-07
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 7.94662
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.11399e-07
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 3.31034  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.11399e-07
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 9.00319
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.94294e-08
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 3.51724  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.94294e-08
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 10.0985
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.20143e-08
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 3.72414  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.20143e-08
  1) 0x7f839172bdf0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 11.2299
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.75576e-09
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 3.93103  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 6.75576e-09
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 12.3946
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.01105e-09
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 4.13793  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.01105e-09
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 13.5905
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 5.81873e-10
  1) 0x7f83916049a0 RooRealVar:: mu = 4.34483  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 5.81873e-10
  1) 0x7f83916049a0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 14.8156
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.63939e-10
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 4.55172  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.63939e-10
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 16.0679
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 4.50509e-11
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 4.75862  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 4.50509e-11
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 17.3457
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.20933e-11
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 4.96552  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.20933e-11
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 18.6475
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 3.17544e-12
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 5.17241  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 3.17544e-12
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 19.9717
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 8.1663e-13
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 5.37931  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 8.1663e-13
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 21.3168
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.05924e-13
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 5.58621  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 2.05924e-13
  1) 0x7f8391624430 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 22.6812
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 5.09696e-14
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 5.7931  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 5.09696e-14
  1) 0x7f8391b953d0 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 24.0632
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot

=== Using the following for ModelConfig ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.23954e-14
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 6  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

=== Using the following for BonlyModel ===
Observables:             RooArgSet:: = (Nobs_SR,Nobs_CR)
Parameters of Interest:  RooArgSet:: = (mu)
Nuisance Parameters:     RooArgSet:: = (B)
PDF:                     RooProdPdf::model[ model_SR * model_CR ] = 1.23954e-14
  1) 0x7f839172c370 RooRealVar:: mu = 0  L(-1 - 10)  "mu"

[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 25.4606
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt.
[#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt.
[#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- generated toys: 500 / 1000

Print observed limit

In [17]:
cout << 100*inverter.ConfidenceLevel() << "%  upper limit : " << result->UpperLimit() << endl;
90%  upper limit : 1.29286

compute expected limit

In [18]:
std::cout << "Expected upper limits, using the B (alternate) model : " << std::endl;
std::cout << " expected limit (median) " << result->GetExpectedUpperLimit(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << " expected limit (-1 sig) " << result->GetExpectedUpperLimit(-1) << std::endl;
std::cout << " expected limit (+1 sig) " << result->GetExpectedUpperLimit(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << " expected limit (-2 sig) " << result->GetExpectedUpperLimit(-2) << std::endl;
std::cout << " expected limit (+2 sig) " << result->GetExpectedUpperLimit(2) << std::endl;
Expected upper limits, using the B (alternate) model :
 expected limit (median) 0.869595
 expected limit (-1 sig) 0.640249
 expected limit (+1 sig) 1.27409
 expected limit (-2 sig) 0.534798
 expected limit (+2 sig) 1.79995

Use the visualization tool of the PLC to show how the interval was calculated

In [19]:
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot* plot = new RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot("HTI_Result_Plot","HypoTest Scan Result",result);
plot->Draw("CLb 2CL");  // plot also CLb and CLs+b